An engaging musical project, born almost 10 years ago from the two founders’ shared passion for MJ and from an exciting meeting held by one of them a few months earlier.
In Los Angeles, JONATHAN “SUGARFOOT” MOFFETT, historian drummer of the great deceased artist, advised Alessandro Sabbatini to transform his great impetus towards Michael into something concrete.
Something impossible even to dream.

Not for Alessandro and his keyboardist-arranger friend Stefano Mainardi.
After intense days to understand what could be done to obtain a result that would make the honor of the king as high as possible, given the 360 degree complexity that characterized his show … after a careful search for good musicians, dancers, choristers .. after the inevitable difficulties, however served to grow and mature .. after identifying, above all, the one who could be able to recreate Michael’s illusion on stage, the great frontman and impersonator, on stage, known at the level world, MIGUEL CONCHA … here is finally that the most realistic show ever made on the great Michael Jackson has seen the light.
So many emotions felt by the guys on stage in these years in front of thousands of people rushed to relive the magic: the indelible encounter with the legendary GREG PHILLINGANES, keyboard player and stage director of Michael, thanks to whose advice Stefano was able to further improve the sound, and the appreciation for the work done received by the Jackson family.
Over these years, in addition to the many important and satisfying stages (among them the Linear Ciak Theater of Milan, the Geox Theater of Padua and the Palacongressi of Lugano), several national and international magazines and newspapers, as well as MTV, have had the opportunity to interview, write and publicize the show Human Nature Live, which now is even more suggestive and full of emotions.
Atmospheres, choreography, scenography and unique music, and above all the original voice of the artist, to feel on the skin those chills that only MJ in the course of his career has managed to give to the public all over the planet: an immortal domain.

Human Nature Live- A Tribute To Michael Jackson, unique in its fidelity of reproposing both the sound and the sets and choreography that have made Michael Jackson the most famous artist in the world, will undoubtedly leave the public speechless !!!